Christopher Kulendran Thomas und Annika Kuhlmann, New Eelam, Werbefilm, 2016, 1:06min, Courtesy the artist.
Christopher Kulendran Thomas und Annika Kuhlmann, Transkript, New Eelam, Werbefilm, 2016, 1:06min, Transkription Autorin.
Christopher Kulendran Thomas und Annika Kuhlmann, New Eelam Werbefilm, 1:06min, Video Still, 2016, Foto: Screenshot Autorin, Courtesy the artist.
Christopher Kulendran Thomas und Annika Kuhlmann, New Eelam Werbefilm, 1:06min, Video Still, 2016, Foto: Screenshot Autorin, Courtesy the artist.
Christopher Kulendran Thomas und Annika Kuhlmann, New Eelam Werbefilm, 1:06min, Video Still, 2016, Foto: Screenshot Autorin, Courtesy the artist.
Christopher Kulendran Thomas und Annika Kuhlmann, New Eelam Werbefilm, 1:06min, Video Still, 2016, Foto: Screenshot Autorin, Courtesy the artist.
Christopher Kulendran Thomas und Annika Kuhlmann, New Eelam Werbefilm, 1:06min, Video Still, 2016, Foto: Screenshot Autorin, Courtesy the artist.
Christopher Kulendran Thomas und Annika Kuhlmann, New Eelam Werbefilm, 1:06min, Video Still, 2016, Foto: Screenshot Autorin, Courtesy the artist.
Christopher Kulendran Thomas und Annika Kuhlmann, New Eelam Werbefilm, 1:06min, Video Still, 2016, Foto: Screenshot Autorin, Courtesy the artist.
Christopher Kulendran Thomas und Annika Kuhlmann, New Eelam Werbefilm, 1:06min, Video Still, 2016, Foto: Screenshot Autorin, Courtesy the artist.