Christopher Kulendran Thomas und Annika Kuhlmann, New Eelam, 2016, Ausstellungsansicht Spike Island, Bristol, 2019, Foto: Max McClure and Stuart Whipps, Courtesy the artist and
Christopher Kulendran Thomas und Annika Kuhlmann, New Eelam, 2016, Ausstellungsansicht Spike Island, Bristol, 2019, Foto: Max McClure and Stuart Whipps, Courtesy the artist and
Christopher Kulendran Thomas und Annika Kuhlmann, New Eelam, 2016, Ausstellungsansicht Spike Island, Bristol, 2019, Foto: Max McClure and Stuart Whipps, Courtesy the artist and
Christopher Kulendran Thomas und Annika Kuhlmann, New Eelam, 2016, Ausstellungsansicht Spike Island, Bristol, 2019, Foto: Max McClure and Stuart Whipps, Courtesy the artist and