Christopher Kulendran Thomas und Annika Kuhlmann, New Eelam Werbefilm, 1:06min, Video Still, 2016, Foto: Screenshot Autorin.
Christopher Kulendran Thomas und Annika Kuhlmann, New Eelam, 2016, Ausstellungsansicht I was raised on the Internet, Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago, 2018, Courtesy the artist and
Pierre Koenig, Bailey House, Case Study House #21, 1959, Foto: Julius Shulman, Courtesy the artist and
Pierre Koenig, Bailey House, Case Study House #21, 1959, Foto: Julius Shulman, Courtesy the artist and
Christopher Kulendran Thomas und Annika Kuhlmann, New Eelam Werbefilm, 1:06min, Video Still, 2016, Foto: Screenshot Autorin.
Christopher Kulendran Thomas und Annika Kuhlmann, New Eelam Werbefilm, 1:06min, Video Still, 2016, Foto: Screenshot Autorin.
Christopher Kulendran Thomas und Annika Kuhlmann, New Eelam Werbefilm, 1:06min, Video Still, 2016, Foto: Screenshot Autorin.
Shawn Maximo, Pyre, 2019, Ausstellungsansicht Deeprecession, Roehrs & Boetsch, Zürich, 2019, Courtesy the artist and
Christopher Kulendran Thomas und Annika Kuhlmann, New Eelam, 2016, Ausstellungsansicht The Present in Drag, 9. Berlin Biennale, Akademie der Künste, Berlin, 2016, Foto: Laura Fiorio, Courtesy the artist and
Pierre Koenig, Bailey House, Case Study House #21, 1959, Foto: Julius Shulman, Courtesy the artist and
Pierre Koenig, Bailey House, Case Study House #21, 1959, Foto: Julius Shulman, Courtesy the artist and
Christopher Kulendran Thomas und Annika Kuhlmann, New Eelam Werbefilm, 1:06min, Video Still, 2016, Foto: Screenshot Autorin.
Calla Henkel/Max Pitegoff, Untitled, (interiors), 2016, Ausstellungsansicht The Present in Drag, 9. Berlin Biennale, Akademie der Künste, Berlin, 2016, Foto: Timo Ohler, Courtesy the artist and