

Part of Any chance we could get GMs back in the game?

By CoolRay - FORMER SUBSCRIBER - October 12, 2019, 03:47:02

Before I start, let me remind everyone each position in the game:

[Admin] : Basically what Izmar and Nerodos were. They managed humongous events in game, and actually work at Ankama. Generally they don't have [Admin] in their name though. It was just [Izmar] and [Nerodos]

[Mod] : These are volunteers, meaning they don't actually work at Ankama. They make sure everyone behaves in game.

[Mentor] : These guys helped out newer players. They were also volunteers, though I haven't seen any in ages.

[GM] : These are volunteers that hold smaller events. Maybe they just pop in and make the game a little crazier without ruining anything. 

When I say GM, I mean the GM mentioned above. I miss having a GM pop in every now and then and make everything even more fun than it is. I also haven't heard of any GM recruitment, like Moderators, recently. Maybe with the release of Dofus Retro, Ankama can pull in some GMs to make the game even more enticing? 

